Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Apparently I look like something out of a GAP commercial

... or so I was told. I'm not sure that I'd agree considering the fact that I've never actually walked into GAP and purchased something. I also don't think I have the "look". Ok, so maybe sometimes I dress like someone that shops at the GAP, but whatever.

I've definitely been meaning to update for about a week now but something always seems to come up just before I do it and then till I get back to it I'm tired and need sleep or something along those lines. Then for a while I had been looking for a quote I heard on tv and had thought was a good one. Apparently it does not exist on the internet... ANYWHERE. I'm as dumb-founded as any of the rest of you might be. It would seem that everything imaginable is out there but this one quote. Luckily I still have the episode tivoed so I can rewatch it at some point and write it down.

Another reason I've held off on my blogging as of late has been the desire to keep from going too emo on your ass. I know it can get annoying and since the whole reason for having a blog is for people to read it I'd rather not turn everyone off to what I have to say. Yes yes, I know, it's my blog and I can write about whatever I want.

*I posted this 2 weeks after I satrted the post. I never finished it but Mendick decided I needed to post SOMETHING so he told me to us this. I know it's short but maybe I'll get back in the blogging spirit before too long and write something current.*

Over and out.


1 comment:

Matt said...

thanks buddy, i really appreciate it, it gives me something to read while i'm on the crapper.s